What We Do in the Shadows hats

· 1 min read
What We Do in the Shadows hats

What We Do In The Shadows
Taika and Jemaine Waititi have created comedy-drama series about vampire roommates, living on Staten Island in New York. With  https://www.whatwedointheshadowsmerch.com/ , they navigate their lives. It's a world where people have Super Bowl parties and internet trolls. Also, there is an energy vampire that gets drunk on power, witches and necromancers. But what you need to know about the shadows is that they are a comedy and an satire on modern culture.

Laszlo’s Cursed Hat
Laszlo und Nadja arrive at Simon the Devious' club to get dressed up. They don't know what to do when they put it on. Laszlo is enraged that Justin, their new companion, is being crushed by a bookshelf and the floor caves. The two get stuck in traffic. Everyone on the street is looking sad, and the cab smells foul.

It is actually quite a fun hat, despite its curse. Laszlo gives the fedora a Peter Pan look with its long feathered front.